KnE Energy
ISSN: 2413-5453
The latest conference proceedings on energy science, applications and resources
Polariton Propagation in Imperfect Resonantly Absorbing Bragg grating
Published date: Apr 25 2018
Journal Title: KnE Energy
Issue title: VII International Conference on Photonics and Information Optics (PhIO)
Pages: 215–227
The nonlinear polariton transmission through resonantly absorbing Bragg grating (RABG) with randomly varying lattice spacing is studied. In this work are presented the results of numerical simulation of propagation stability of polaritonic solitary wave consisting of matter wave coupled with counter propagating light waves which propagate through dielectric medium, containing periodically placed in the dielectric waveguide thin dielectric films with metallic nanoparticles (or quantum dots, nanoagregates with nonlinear dielectric properties). The influence of lattice spacing deviations from mean value (average) of the lattice spacing is described in the model equations by random multiplicative noise set in the phases of forward and backward electric components of electromagnetic wave. As the initial condition it was used the solitary wave solution of the model describing nonlinear wave propagation in perfect nonlinear RABG. The results of numerical simulations show that phase fluctuations lead to periodic oscillations (with the period 2
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