KnE Energy

ISSN: 2413-5453

The latest conference proceedings on energy science, applications and resources

Plasma-mediated Nanosecond-Laser Generation of Si Nanoparticles in Water

Published date: Apr 25 2018

Journal Title: KnE Energy

Issue title: VII International Conference on Photonics and Information Optics (PhIO)

Pages: 65–72

DOI: 10.18502/ken.v3i3.2014


Plasma-mediated nanosecond IR-laser ablation of Si in water was describe sublinear function mass loss by multi shot ablative and third-power function extinction coefficient of generated colloidal solutions of density laser intensity. The first addiction shows influence subcritical ablative plasma to ablative rate, also fast increase extinction coefficient of 100 nm size particles of silicon in colloidal solution implies plasma-mediated dissociation of the ablation products.

Keywords: silicon nanoparticles, nanosecond laser ablation, sub-critical ablative plasma, extinction coefficient, scaling relationships, melt expulsion


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