KnE Energy
ISSN: 2413-5453
The latest conference proceedings on energy science, applications and resources
Equivalent Surface Temperature of Optical Elements Interacting with Laser Irradiation
Published date: Apr 25 2018
Journal Title: KnE Energy
Issue title: VII International Conference on Photonics and Information Optics (PhIO)
Pages: 32–37
We propose a novel technique for measuring the surface temperature distribution of optical elements interacting with high power laser radiation. This technique is based on measuring temperature sensitive piezoelectric resonance frequencies of nonlinearoptical crystals that are transparent at involved laser radiation wavelengthes. Using small thermoresonators made of the lithium niobate (LiNbO3) crystal the kinetics of the surface temperature distribution of the silica lens heated by 11W CW laser radiation at 1064 nm was measured. According to measured data, the optical absorption coefficient of the lens was evaluated to be
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