KnE Energy

ISSN: 2413-5453

The latest conference proceedings on energy science, applications and resources

Periodic Structures Fabricated By STED-DLW Stereolithography: Morphology and Optical Properties

Published date: Apr 25 2018

Journal Title: KnE Energy

Issue title: VII International Conference on Photonics and Information Optics (PhIO)

Pages: 14–22

DOI: 10.18502/ken.v3i3.2009


Two-dimensional (photonic antennas) and three-dimensional (photonic crystals) periodic polymer structures were fabricated by STED-DLW stereolithography. Their morphological features were studied using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy; also their optical properties were investigated by Fourier spectroscopy and confocal microscopy.

Keywords: STED-DLW stereolithography, optical properties, luminescent mapping, 3D structures


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