KnE Energy

ISSN: 2413-5453

The latest conference proceedings on energy science, applications and resources

DNA Repair is Involved in Mechanism of Drug Sensibilization to Ionizing Radiation of Different Quality

Published date: Apr 17 2018

Journal Title: KnE Energy

Issue title: The 2nd International Symposium "Physics, Engineering and Technologies for Biomedicine"

Pages: 88–93

DOI: 10.18502/ken.v3i2.1797


It was shown that chemical compounds inhibit the process of cell recovery irradiated with sparsely and densely ionizing radiations. For both types of radiation, it was demonstrated that the irreversible component of radiation damage increases with increasing in drugs concentration, while the recovery constant, characterizing the probability of recovery per unit time, does not depend on the conditions of irradiation. This means that DNA repair is involved in mechanism of drug sensibilisation to ionizing radiation of different quality, which is associated with the formation of additional irreversible damage but not with damage of recovery processes as it was traditionally suggested. The obtained data indicate the prospects of chemical compounds using after irradiation of cells with ionizing radiations of different quality.

Keywords: ionizing radiation, survival, irreversible component, recovery constant, bleocin, doxorubicin, endoxan, fluorourozil, cisplatin.


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