Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research
ISSN: 2008-322X
The latest research in clinical ophthalmology and the science of vision.
Inverted ILM Flap Technique in Optic Disc Pit Maculopathy
Published date: Apr 19 2023
Journal Title: Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research
Issue title: April–June 2023, Volume 18, Issue 2
Pages: 230 – 239
Purpose: To present the outcome of optic disc pit maculopathy (ODPM) managed successfully
with an inverted internal limiting membrane (ILM) flap over the optic disc. A narrative review of
ODPM pathogenesis and surgical management techniques are also provided.
Case Report: This prospective interventional case series included three eyes of three adult
patients (25–39 years old) with unilateral ODPM and a mean duration of unilaterally decreased
visual acuity of 7.33 ± 2.40 months (4–12 months). The pars plana vitrectomy with posterior
vitreous detachment induction was performed on eyes, followed by an inverted ILM flap insertion
over the optic disc and gas tamponade. Patients were followed for 7–16 weeks postoperatively;
best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) improved dramatically in one patient from 2/200 to 20/25.
BCVA in other patients improved two and three lines – to 20/50 and 20/30, respectively. A
significant anatomical improvement was achieved in all three eyes, and no complication was
detected throughout the follow-up period.
Conclusion: Vitrectomy with inverted ILM flap insertion over the optic disc is safe and can yield
favorable anatomical improvement in patients with ODPM.
Keywords: ILM Flap, Internal Limiting Membrane, Macular Schisis, Optic Disc Pit, Optic Disc Pit Maculopathy, Optical Coherence Tomography, Serous Macular Detachment
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