Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research

ISSN: 2008-322X

The latest research in clinical ophthalmology and the science of vision.

Ciliary Body Schwannoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature

Published date: Nov 24 2022

Journal Title: Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research

Issue title: Oct–Dec 2022, Volume 17, Issue 4

Pages: 581 – 586

DOI: 10.18502/jovr.v17i4.12339


Haythem El MokhDepartment of Pathology, Habib Bourguiba University Hospital, Medenine, Tunisia

Néjib Ben YahiaPrivate Laboratory of Pathology, Houmt Souk Djerba, Tunisia

Mustapha BouziriOphthalmologist, Houmt Souk Djerba, Tunisia

Walid GattoufiDepartment of Pathology, Habib Bourguiba University Hospital, Medenine, Tunisia

Abdelmajid Khabirakabdelmajid@yahoo.frDepartment of Pathology, Habib Bourguiba University Hospital, Medenine, Tunisia


Purpose: To present a case of intraocular schwannoma arising from the ciliary body with description of histological and immunophenotypic characteristics.

Case Report: A 32-year-old woman who was followed for glaucoma of the left eye and chronic renal failure at the stage of hemodialysis presented with buphthalmos and two weeks of blurry vision of the left eye. A magnetic resonance imaging exam was performed suspecting melanoma. Enucleation was rapidly performed. The histological examination after HE (Hematoxylin and Eiosin) and HEA50 (Hematoxylin and polychromatic solution EA 50) staining showed proliferation of mesenchymal monomorphic fusiform cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm and small oval nuclei which showed a tendency toward palisading. Some parts of the tumor were hypercellular with a fascicular arrangement (Antoni A pattern); other parts were weakly cellular with a myxoid arrangement (Antoni B pattern). Several Verocay bodies and a lot of hemorrhagic suffusions were described. Mitotic figures were very rare. Immunohistochemistry staining showed that tumor cells were positive for PS100 and vimentin.

Conclusion: Although ciliary body schwannoma is extremely rare, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of intraocular tumors.

Keywords: Antoni A and B Patterns, Ciliary Body, Local Excision, Schwannoma


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