Dubai Medical Journal

ISSN: 2571-726X

Pioneering research in medicine, health sciences, nursing, pharmaceuticals, and laboratory work

Evaluation of Antibacterial (Antibiofilm) Activity Potential of ZnONPs Coated on Wound Dressing Cloth

Published date: Dec 08 2024

Journal Title: Dubai Medical Journal

Issue title: Dubai Medical Journal (DMJ): Volume 7 Issue 3

Pages: 149 - 159

DOI: 10.18502/dmj.v7i3.17731


Mathiyazhagan Narayananmathimicro@gmail.comCenter for Research and Innovation, Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS), Thandalam, Chennai-602 105, Tamil Nadu


Introduction: In light of the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the necessity for efficient wound treatment, zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) have garnered interest for their potent antibacterial and antibiofilm characteristics. This study examines the incorporation of green synthesized ZnONPs into wound dressing fabric to inhibit bacterial colonization and biofilm development, and significant obstacles in wound healing. The present study aims to assess the antibacterial efficacy of plant-mediated and pre-synthesized as well as characterized ZnONPs against opportunistic bacterial pathogens to create more effective wound dressings that facilitate expedited, infectionfree recovery.

Methods: The antibacterial efficiency of this green-mediated ZnONPs coated wound dressing material against the opportunistic Gram-positive and negative bacterial pathogens were checked. Various concentrations (0.20, 0.40, and 0.60%) of ZnONPs were used to coat the dressing material. This ZnONPs antibacterial activity was analyzed quantitatively by various time intervals (4-24 hr) and incubated as per the standard bacterial growth conditions.

Results: The findings show that 20 hr after incubation, Gram-negative bacterial growth was inhibited on dressing cloth coated with 0.60% ZnONPs, while Gram-positive bacteria inhibition was observed 24 hr after incubation on dressing cloth coated with 0.40% ZnONPs. These findings suggest that 0.40% and 0.60% ZnONPs significantly kill both groups of opportunistic pathogens.

Discussion: Bacterial infections as well as biofilm formation on wound surfaces significantly impede effective healing, resulting in chronic wounds and elevated healthcare expenses. Conventional wound dressings frequently exhibit inadequate antimicrobial efficacy, particularly against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. ZnONPs have attracted interest owing to their strong antibacterial, antibiofilm, and biocompatibility characteristics. This study assesses the efficacy of ZnONPs-coated wound dressings in suppressing bacterial proliferation and biofilm development, potentially providing a remedy for infectionassociated complications in wound care. The results may facilitate the creation of more efficient wound dressings, thereby decreasing infection rates and enhancing patient outcomes in clinical environments.

Conclusion: Thus, these ZnONPs could be employed as an antibiofilm/antibacterial coating material in wound dressing cloths to prevent secondary opportunistic bacterial infections.

Keywords: ZnONPs, anti-biofilm activity, opportunistic pathogens, quantitative analysis, various time intervals


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