Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise
ISSN: 2518-6590
Groundbreaking research on nutrition, physical activity, and public health from across the Arab world.
Effect of Soy Milk and Mung Bean Porridge on Serum Triglycerides among Postmen-opausal Women
Published date: May 01 2019
Journal Title: Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise
Issue title: AJNE: Vol 4, No 1 (2019)
Pages: 11-17
Aim: This study aimed to analyze the effect of soy milk and mung bean porridge on serum triglycerides among postmenopausal women. Methods: This was an experimental study using pretest and posttest with control group. Subjects of this study were 30 postmenopausal women aged 45-75 in Serengan District, Surakarta. Subjects were divided into control group (n = 10), soy milk group (n = 10) and combination of soy milk and mung bean porridge group (n =10). The soy milk and mung bean porridge provided were 240 ml and 180 ml per day per person, respectively. The study was carried out for 4 weeks from December 2018 to January
2019. The collected data were analyzed with paired t-test and Wilcoxon test.
Results: There was a slight decrease in serum triglycerides level in all groups, but it was not statistically
significant (p > 0,05).
Conclusions: Although soy milk and mung bean porridge contain many antihypertriglyceridemic nutrients, there is no significant effect on serum triglycerides among postmenopausal women. Further study with longer duration and more sample size is needed.
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