Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise

ISSN: 2518-6590

Groundbreaking research on nutrition, physical activity, and public health from across the Arab world.

The Effect of Breakfast on Academic Performance among High School Students in Abu Dhabi

Published date: Nov 16 2017

Journal Title: Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise

Issue title: AJNE: Vol 2, No 1 (2017)

Pages: 40-49

DOI: 10.18502/ajne.v2i1.1243


Zainab of Narural and Health Sciences, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E

Ayesha S. Rashed


Background: The claim that breakfast is the most important meal of the day has an abundance of sound science behind it. Breakfast is continually suggested to be a critical feature of eating regimens since it is associated with a healthier intake of nutrients, BMI and lifestyle. Several studies have shown the importance of having breakfast to the body's performance. Moreover, recent studies have demonstrated that breakfast enhances intellectual capacity, concentration, attention and academic performance. However, there is a paucity of studies which examine the relationship between breakfast consumption and academic performance in the UAE, a gap this study is designed to address.

Objective: The aim of this study is to examine the effect of breakfast intake on the academic performance of young female students in the emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Methods: Data was collected through a self-administered questionnaire from 130 female students aged 15-19 years, who were selected from two private schools in Abu Dhabi. The questionnaire was used to explore the students’ breakfast consumption habits. The data collected was analyzed to examine the association between breakfast intake and academic performance. Academic performance was assessed according to the average grade for all subjects in the final exam.

Results: Sixty-two percent of the 130 students eat breakfast regularly. Breakfast consumption is associated with increased academic performance among high school female students. The association of breakfast intake was found to be statistically significant (p=0.00).

Conclusion: The findings of the current study indicate that there is a positive correlation between breakfast intake and the students’ scores. Regular breakfast consumption improves students' academic performance, whereas the performance of students who frequently skip breakfast is lower.


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