ESPOCH Congresses: The Ecuadorian Journal of S.T.E.A.M.

ISSN: 2789-5009

Leading Ecuadorian research in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.

Peer Review Policy

This journal follows a double-blind peer review process. The papers are generally peer-reviewed by two independent academic experts. The peer review process takes place before publication and is facilitated by the Journal.

The editors mediate all interactions between reviewers and authors. The journal owns the reviews and is not published. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the academic quality of the publication process, including final acceptance decisions, approval of Guest Editors and special issue topics, and new Editorial Board members.


Reviewers are expected to observe the Ethics Policy of ESPOCH and are encouraged to read and observe the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.
All reviewers are expected to inform the journal of any conflicts of interest or misconduct present in the paper or process of reviewing.
Manuscripts must be treated as confidential documents. The confidentiality of participants in the review process must be protected.

Assignment of Reviewers

The Editor-in-Chief will assign the manuscript to one of the Editorial Board members, who will send the manuscript to at least two expert reviewers. The reviewers will view an abstract of the manuscript to decide if they will accept to review the manuscript based on the following criteria:

  • They have the expertise to review the manuscript.
  • They have no conflicts of interest with the manuscript.
  • They have the time to complete the peer review report within two weeks

If the reviewers agree with the above conditions, then they will be assigned to review the manuscript.

Peer Reviewer Reports

The reviewers will submit their reports on the manuscripts within two weeks of accepting to review, along with their grades and recommendation of one of the following actions to the Editor:

  • Accept submission: the submission receives a grade between 1.5 and 3, and the manuscript is recommended as it is.
  • Changes required: the manuscript requires minor revisions.
  • Decline submission: the submission receives a grade below 1.5, and rejection of the manuscript is recommended; the reason(s) for rejection must be stated.

Authors’ Responses

Based on the Editor-in-Chief’s decision, the authors have one of three options:

  • If the article is accepted, the authors will receive further instructions after copyediting.
  • If the article requires revision, the authors will have four weeks to submit the required revisions before resubmitting and going through another round of grading.
  • If the article is declined, the authors will need to submit it to another journal.

Authors’ Appeal

Authors have the right to appeal any editorial decision. This can be done in the following order:

  • Submitting an appeal request to the Editor-in-Chief, quoting the manuscript number and indicating the rationale for their dispute.

Authors may appeal if they feel that the decision to reject was based on one or more of the following elements:

  • a conflict of interest by the reviewers, associate editors, or Editor-in-Chief.
  • a major misunderstanding over a technical aspect of the manuscript.
  • a failure to understand the scientific advances shown in the manuscript.

Appeals requesting a second opinion without sufficient justification will not be considered. Appeals will only be considered from the original submitting author/corresponding author.